Hi, I am

Kavpreet Grewal.

I'm currently a Computer Science student at UBC, developing software that has an impact. I strive to create meaningful projects that make things easier and improve various aspects of our lives.

About Me

Hi, I'm Kavpreet Grewal, currently a computer science student at UBC. I'm also an aspiring software engineer looking to build projects that have an impact.

I enjoy building interesting projects that not only help me learn, but also are useful. I'm always looking to try and learn new things, so if you have something in mind or just want to chat, drop me an email at kavpreetgrewal@gmail.com.

Feel free have a look at my resume or checkout some of my projects on Github. Also, thanks for stopping by!


Notify – SMS News

notify is a SMS chat bot that utilizes state-of-the-art APIs and NLP technologies to dispatch summarized news articles for the user based on their query. It is extremely easy to use and helps millions of people without reliable internet access to stay connected with the world around them.

OnTrack - Time Tracker

OnTrack is a time tracking and hours logging app made with Flutter. This versatile app allows users to easily log hours and keep track of their progress. It also uses Firebase so it can store a daily record of the users activity which can be accessed on any device by just logging in to their own account.

Touchless Webpage Scroller

A browser extension that allows users to scroll webpages without touching their devices. This uses a TensorFlow hand-tracking library which tracks the hands of the user so they can scroll up or down by simply raising their hands.



Software Engineer Intern

May. 2022 – Jul. 2022

At Meta, I worked on building platform infrastructure on the WhatsApp Business Platform team. I developed the calling state machine for VoIP calls between businesses and consumers on WhatsApp Business to help build the foundation for a new multibillion-dollar revenue stream. Furthermore, I also overhauled the Cloud API VoIP server to support multiple simultaneous calls by running multiple processes.


Apache Thrift



Software Engineer Intern

Sep. 2021 – Apr. 2022

During my 8 months at Rivian I worked on developing full-stack software applications on the Enterprise Services team. I spearheaded development of the parts ordering checkout flow and payments integration with Stripe and converted the DSP vehicle report generation to be async by leveraging AWS SQS. I also improved developer experience by writing a script to automatically generate test vehicle service orders with various statuses.





Software Engineer Intern

Jun. 2021 – Sep. 2021

At Fractional, a Y Combinator startup that enables users to buy fractional shares of real estate properties, I worked on everything from the frontend to the backend and even some product design. I led the end-to-end design and implementation of a new property governance feature to allow users manage their investment properties directly on the platform.




UBC Launch Pad

Tech Lead

Sep. 2021 - Present

I led a team of 10 developers and designers to build an app to help students better manage their finances. With this app users can add new expenses manually or by simply taking a picture of a receipt/invoice and can then visualize all their spending on many graphs and charts. I led most of the product design and built significant portions of the backend API.

React Native



UBC Launch Pad

Software Developer

Sep. 2020 - Aug. 2021

I worked on developing a recruitment and application tool for clubs, with a team of 7 developers and designers. The tool helps clubs streamline their recruitment process by providing a single place where they can view and grade applications, analyze analytics, and communicate with applicants.




L.A. Matheson Robotics

Mentor - Programming Team

Sep. 2015 - Jun. 2020

I teach young high school students programming and support their participation in FIRST Robotics. I also teach underprivileged students and those with disabilities in the community. Was previously programming team lead from 2017-2019 and during our 5th place finish at the FIRST World Championship. Placed 5th out of nearly 8000 teams worldwide.

Contact Me

I'm currently looking for possible internship opportunities for 2023. If you're interested in having me join your team or just want to say hello, feel free to contact me.

Get in Touch